April 4


Putting Work Away

Working has become a big distraction for me. It’s all here at home and something I can do any time I want. If I don’t feel like cleaning or watching TV, I sit down at my desk and do some work. Too cold to go outside? There’s more work on the desk.

What I need to do next is actually clean my desk off! People from work were sending pics of their nice tidy work areas. Oops! I’m not sending one of those! Nothing tidy about my desk area right now. I even have a resident cat on mine. I couldn’t keep him off my keyboard so I put a nice comfy towel down next to it and now my cat sleeps there all day.

Anyways, I’m going to get burnt out really fast if I keep working 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week. Less on weekends but still. I need to set some work boundaries.

Do you find that you’re working more being at home than when you’re in the office?

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