May 28


Remember the Front Porch?

I am still struggling with the front porch but there’s finally progress!  Again.  For real this time.  I keep cleaning it up but don’t change anything so I end up right back where I started from.  So I’ve been thinking and thinking about what I can change.

One of the biggest problems with the front porch is an over abundance of boxes.  We order a lot online so every time a package comes, we throw the box on the porch.  The piles get so high that you can’t see out the windows.  I decided that I needed to start with the boxes.

The Shelf

I came up with the idea to put a shelf up for the boxes.  A few inches above the windows, the ceiling goes up to a peak.  I decided that the shelf could go right there.  We made the shelf three feet wide and it holds a lot of boxes!  It freed up so much space on the porch.  It’s great.  There is one little disadvantage though.  While it’s brighter during the day because it’s clear in front of the windows, it’s darker at night because it blocks the light on the ceiling.  We need to find a lighting solution for under the shelf now.


Lots More Work for the Front Porch

The front porch is still far from done but I’m working on it bit by bit.  I put a lot of things to get rid of out there and they just never left.  I’m hoping to do that this week sometime.  The horse tack is all over the place.  There’s too much furniture.

One thing that I’m not sure what to do with is a trunk.  It’s a big trunk that my great great grandpa brought over from Ireland over a hundred years ago.  It’s really neat and I just can’t get rid of it.  I’m thinking that I might use it for the horse supplies that we only use for the fair every year.  It’s full right now though so I’d have to figure out what to do with those things.

Another thing I’m struggling with is an antique desk.  It used to be in the living room. I don’t want it back in the living room but I don’t know what else to do with it.  I think I even posted about it a long time ago.  Maybe I’ll sell it or see if the friend who gave it to me wants it back.  I’ll check with my kids too.  I don’t love it on my porch so I want to get rid of it.

I don’t really have a lot of time or money to spend on the front porch right now so clearing it off is the main deal.  The embarrassment factor is huge but went down about three feet today!  When I have a few minutes here or there, I’ll work on it more.  Some day soon, I’ll be able to get the furniture I want out there.  And one day, it will look like a normal front porch!

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  • Oh yes, the once a year horse stuff sounds like it would be a terrific use for the trunk!! Can you put the desk out beside a “free” table? Genius thinking for the boxes shelf!!

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