If you’re selling things online and you’re not quite organized enough to use a day planner, but you need something, you might want to try a creative planner.
Here’s 4 ways that I use my creative planner to help me stay on track and save time with my eBay sales:
1. Daily Reminders
My creative planner has a space for daily tasks. There’s a few things that need to get done every day and sometimes the reminders are just what I need.
The 4 reminders are
- List 1 Thing – if you’re selling on eBay, this is very important. You can miss some days but the more you list, the more that sells. eBay rewards you for being active.
- Update 5 Listings – make a small change to some of your listings. Again, the more active you are, the more eBay puts your items in front of buyers.
- Ship packages – obviously you only need to do this if you’ve actually sold something.
- Daily bookkeeping – this used to take me anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour or more depending on how many things sold. At the beginning of the year, I bought some software and now it only takes about 5 minutes. Great investment! I’ll tell you all about it another time.
2. Keeping a Rough Estimate of How Much You’re Selling
On the calendar page, I write in the amount of the sales for the day. That’s all this number is. This number doesn’t include fees or anything else but it still gives me a rough estimate of whether or not I’m close to meeting my goals for the month.
3. Setting Realistic Selling Goals for the Week or Month
Since a creative journal is all about getting things accomplished, it’s geared towards goal setting. Lots of space to put them in writing.
4. Tracking how many items you’re able to list in a day
If you’re able to list one or two things per day, then you know that you need to declutter at least 7-14 things so you have enough to list the next week. You don’t have to do this but sometimes it helps to start looking for things ahead of time and this way you have a certain number of things in mind.