April 6


Listing Lots of Things on eBay

While it’s not nearly as worthwhile selling on eBay as it used to be, I was listing things this weekend in hopes of making a few dollars.  I really want to pay off a few bills quickly and was finding a lot of things that I thought maybe would sell.  Since I was having a hard time giving these things away anyways, I started listing them instead.

Did I mention that I don’t like selling things?  Most of the time it’s not really worth the little bit of money that I make.  I get way too emotionally involved and practically give things away free anyways.  I might as well skip the selling part and all the hassle that comes with it.  I’ve spent a lot of time already and I’ve only made around $100 after all the ridiculous fees. It’s certainly better than nothing but it doesn’t seem like enough for all the work I’ve put into it.

Maybe I should try selling some things on Facebook instead.  Where’s your favorite place to sell things?  Or do you just give it all away?  Has anyone tried OfferUp or LetGo?

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  • I’ve found donating the stuff is the easiest for us. Put it in a bag/box and send it on its way. We tried to sell once and it took forever to go and then the hassle of packing and shipping took over. By the time we were finished, we made about $2 per hour for our time. Not worth it.

  • I find eBay is a bit hit and miss when selling used stuff from your house. Although I did sell loads of things when I was having a purge a couple of years ago. I sell a craft tool on there that I manufacture and it sells well sometimes and then other times it all goes really quiet – no apparent rhyme or reason!

    • That’s good to know! Maybe I’ll just relist the things that had watchers and views and get rid of the things that didn’t get any at all.

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