April 3


The Itty Bitty Remodeling Project

I’m so excited to share this with everyone! Sometimes all you need is a few small wins and this is one that most people could do. It didn’t cost a lot either!

Let me show you where I started

I did a lot of decluttering and ended up with this. It looked better but then for the first time I thought, wow this looks outdated. And that’s when I made up my mind to do a little make over.

Valspar had a sale a while ago where you could get a pint of paint for $1.99. The color I got didn’t work out in the room I bought it for so it’s been sitting here waiting for a job. This was the perfect one for that paint!

The curtains came down and the painting began.

The first coat wasn’t enough and it wasn’t covering the 2 small water spots on the ceiling so I went and bought a can of Kilz for $7.86. It was a good thing because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have had enough paint. I forgot to mention that I had a few paint brushes around the house from other projects so I didn’t need to buy any.

At this point, I was starting to wonder if I had made a mistake. Maybe it wasn’t that outdated after all. Maybe I should’ve just left it the way it was.

Then it started coming together. I went to the store and found a sheer panel that I liked. I was looking for valances but wow they’re hard to find these days. The panel was $16 and my mom and her friend were able to cut it up and make it work for both windows. I also bought two new modern curtain rods for $4.00 each.

It was really looking nice and then I found the owl candle holder at a rummage sale for $1.00. It looks great there. I also found a lantern for $3.00 and the two things look really cute together.

So here it is!!

All together, it only cost around $32.00 to remodel this itty bitty area. I’m glad I went through with it.

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  • Hi Jen – Well done. These things are never easy to get started on. It looks all neat and beautiful now – you must feel really good when you go into that space. And while we’re here, hi Melinda – where’ve you been? I haven’t had any post notifications from you for AGES! Are you still writing? Good to speak to you both – shame we can’t sit down and have a cuppa! 😍

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