May 23


The Start of a Three Day Decluttering Marathon

It turns out that working from home is almost as exhausting as working at the office. Decluttering after working all day isn’t always on the list of priorities. I’ve been trying to do a little bit each day but it doesn’t always happen. So I love a three day weekend to get a lot done!

Each day this week, I did a little because it’s getting done one way or another! By little, I mean you can’t really tell I did anything in the big scheme of my living room. I did a lot of thinking though but I’ll get to that later.

This is from the last few evenings:

  • 4 Vintage Tupperware containers
  • Temptations Trivet
  • 4 Valentine’s Day cookie cutters
  • Coffee Filters
  • 8 Boxcar Children books
  • WeightWatchers cookbook
  • iPhone 4 OtterBox
  • 3 other kids books
  • 2 tea light holders
  • Monkey Teether
  • Captain America
  • Rain gauge
  • Really cute craft book
  • 2 one piece baby outfits
  • Baby Ducky Swim Cover up
  • Black velvet hanger
  • The E-Myth Revisited book – this is the only thing in this pile that I’m going to put on eBay.

A Few Good Things

A little nicer stuff than yesterday’s load but still junk that can go! There’s more things in the list but after I posted the pic, I realized it had some papers in it that I didn’t want posted.

Ok, that’s 34 things. There were a lot of papers too but sometimes I feel like counting papers is cheating. But hey, they’ve been taking up space in this house so I’m counting them! And I don’t count all papers, just ones that were being saved for some unknown reason for an indefinite amount of time. If they come in and go out right away, then they’re just trash. I just don’t want to include them this time so we’ll go with 34. That puts the count right around 191 so far and I’m just beginning.

Beginning right now – I’m going to continue as soon as I finish this. My plan is to start by pulling everything off the very buried couch in my living room. So that’s Day 1! I’m hoping to get rid of a couple hundred more things by the end of the three day weekend! We’ll see!

Anyone else decluttering this weekend??

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    • I never actually read any of them! Thanks for the inspiration! I don’t feel like it’s going so great. I love that I can see some floor now but it’s going very slowly!!

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