That’s going to be my slogan for the next 12 months: There’s So Much To Do in 2022!
Everything seems to be one hot mess right now!
Things were going pretty good and for some reason, everything seems to have spun out of control in the last two weeks.
Adult kids with covid, new grandbaby this week, house is a wild mess, cats everywhere, no break from remote work and unbelievably bad weather. At least it’s not raining fish here. Although maybe fish would be better than freezing rain and snow? Not sure about that one.
And then to top it off, Betty White passed away today. I find that so sad. The world needs a lot more people like Betty. Lately it feels like we can’t even afford to lose one.
I’m hoping things start settling down now that the holidays are almost done.
Of course, that’s if I don’t get sick in the next couple weeks which is seemingly unlikely at this point. I made it through Christmas shopping and Christmas okay and then my son woke up sick today. That means that in a few days, I might be pretty miserable.
This is turning out to be one random post!
I have that phrase stuck in my head now… There’s so much to do in 2022!
It’s so true though!
First thing that I want to do this year is go through the Christmas buckets. I’m not really ready to put my Christmas stuff away yet but I don’t want to just shove it all back in the buckets without seeing if there’s anything to get rid of.
Maybe I could bring them back up from the basement and at least go through them so they’re ready when I’m ready to put stuff away. I only have about 3 or 4 buckets so it’s not too bad. Is that a lot? How much Christmas stuff is normal to have?
That’s another word you might hear from me a lot this year – normal. I’ll explain more about that later but for now I really am curious how much Christmas stuff other people own.
I think that’s it for now. It’s a few hours until midnight here but I don’t think I’m going to make it. Maybe I’ll set an alarm for 11:55.. lol.
That’s a great motto! I hope you didn’t get sick. Congrats on your littlest blessing!
I’m not sick yet thank goodness! But it’s sure hard not getting to see the little guy! Maybe by next week if I’m still healthy 😊