April 21


This Week Might Make Me a Minimalist

I’ve never had the urge to become a minimalist but this week might change all of that.

It’s been a very long two weeks of emptying every room. I’ll explain more about that later.

After the last few years of everyone getting sick with things like asthma and respiratory infections, it never dawned on me just how bad the dust in this house is.

I almost wrote “was” instead of “is” because I’ve been working so hard for the past two weeks, but it’s still really bad. No more lying about it or downplaying it. It’s bad.

Did you know that you can measure dust by the pound?

I found that out this week. So much dust everywhere. Those little bits of dust here and there really do add up. Even all those times that I decluttered and thought I was cleaning it wasn’t enough. It needed so much more than that.

Besides all the cleaning, clearing out the rooms is the thing that’s making me want to become a minimalist. I still don’t think that I will but I will strive to get closer. Clearing out box-full after box-full of things has been extremely hard to say the least.

I’m exhausted but I’ve learned a lot from experience this week.

  • Daily and weekly cleaning routines are an absolute must!
  • When doing a deep cleaning, EVERYTHING has to come out.
  • Don’t be afraid of dumpsters. They are your friends.
  • Every room should be painted and walls repaired at least every 3-5 years.
  • Clean carpets often.
  • When emptying a room, start at the far end and work everything out towards the door.
  • If you think you’re done emptying a room, look again. There’s always more.
  • Mop the floors.
  • Take pictures of your progress.
  • Ask for help.

More lessons will come out of this I’m sure. This project is nearing completion and I’ve been taking a lot of before and after pictures to share when I finally have some time.

Things won’t be normal for a little while but they’ll get there eventually. Maybe. Whatever that is!

I’ll be looking for some great cleaning routines so if you have one that works for you, please share it in the comments below. I’d love to give it a try!!

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  • It sure has made my cleaning routine easier having less stuff in the house. I wouldn’t say we are minimalists but we are definitely more minimalistic than we were.

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