![time spent growing garden fresh produce](https://i0.wp.com/hiddenhoarder.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/hidden-hoarder-produce.jpg?resize=768%2C1024&ssl=1)
When you’re sick for a few weeks, the weather outside starts to play a huge roll in how you’re feeling every day.
At least that’s how it is for me.
When it’s gloomy outside, I don’t feel like I’m ever going to get better. Then the sun comes up and I get a little ray of hope that maybe I am getting just a little better every day.
Today, I spent a little more time out in the garden. I’m curious about the no till style of gardening that seems to be very popular right now.
I did till a little bit but that’s because I love tilling. It’s so satisfying when you end up with dirt and no weeds. But I guess if I understand it right, by tilling, you are just putting the seeds from the weeds back into the dirt. As many times as I tilled, the garden is still full of weeds so maybe there’s something to that theory.
So, I just tilled over a little part of the garden a couple times and then I got off the tractor and raked up the weeds that were broken up by the tiller. I took some of them to my original compost pile and left the rest in a pile where I’m going to start a new compost area in the garden.
Once that breaks down, then I’ll spread it out over the soil.
Too Much Time Spent on Weeds This Year
There’s more that I need to learn about this process but the weeds this year were way too out of control. I have to do something different next year.
I also got a little more weed whacking done and some more produced picked. Everyday it’s a surprise how much is still growing.
Hopefully, more time spent this year on the soil, will result in less time spent out there next year.