The new towel rack fit in the spot perfectly. Almost a little too perfectly. If it would have been an inch bigger, it wouldn’t have fit at all. I love the way it holds all of the towels. It would be really nice to have a matching set of towels but it’s not in the budget right now.
Yesterday while I was cleaning up in the living room, I found this FAMILY frame that someone had given me a few months ago. I’m not sure if I love it or not yet but I thought it was at least something to put in that big empty space above the toilet. It matched the towel rack so why not? I need to print up a picture to put in the frame. The family that’s in it now is the one that came with it. I think I’ll use a picture from my daughter’s wedding.
I actually like that the towels are all different. It adds a lot of character to the space. And even though it won’t look like a home decor magazine picture, it is more fun and let’s everyone have their own kind of personality and style with their towel.
Yea, you’re right. Once I hung them all up, I decided that they didn’t really look all that bad even though they didn’t match. It does add a lot of character having them all different and unique 🙂