May 21


The Toy Cash Register and Some Techno Spawn

Every time I have a few minutes, I try to find a couple things to get rid of.  A few things that I’m letting go of today have been  sitting around because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with them.

First are the Techno Spawns. There’s two of them and they are both brand new. These are collectibles but I don’t think many people are collecting them. It looks like you can’t get much more than around $10 each so out they go.

The other thing that I’ve been hanging onto is a toy cash register.  I had a Fisher Price cash register when I was little and I loved that thing. This one isn’t Fisher Price but it’s still really cool looking.  Unfortunately, the drawer is broken and it doesn’t open. My daughter said, “it’s broken. Get rid of it.”  So, out it’s going.

Sometimes, it just takes one of the kids telling me to let it go.

Here’s the list for today:

  • Toy cash register
  • 2 Brand new Techno Spawn
  • Credit card reader
  • Bow tie
  • Show shirt
  • 2 other clothing articles
  • Horse color poster
  • Horse anatomy booklet
  • Tupperware lid
  • Newspaper
  • Pharmacy bag

I think that’s it.  It’s a total of 13 things. It’s not many but it’s better than nothing.

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  • I have a quote for you! “Too many people live surrounded by things they don’t need ‘just because.’ I urge you to take stock of your komono and save only, and I mean only, those that bring you joy.” -The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (P.S. She uses ‘komono’ to mean miscellaneous stuff)

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