October 13


The Eight Passenger Truck is Overflowing

Maybe owning a Suburban isn’t the greatest idea for a hoarder. You can fit a lot in a truck.

The windows are tinted but if it’s really sunny outside, you can see it all. You can also see it at night when I open the doors and the light pops on.

It’s so incredibly embarrassing.

Maybe I haven’t mentioned the giant Care Bear that’s been my passenger for a few weeks now. If I tell you it’s adorable, does that make it any better?

Ok, I know it doesn’t.

This might actually make it a little better though. They’re not my things, I simply need to get them out of my truck and I haven’t had time.

A few things are to sell, like the Care Bear, but the rest are the things that have come from the hoarder house I’ve been working on.

I’d really like to do a free table since there’s so much but it’s a lot faster taking it to a donation place and even faster to throw it in a donation box at the gas station down the road.

When you have too many things, do you think it’s better to get them out fast, or to spend a little time finding it all good homes?

The Care Bear passenger that's been riding around in my truck.

There’s been a lot of things that would be sellable from that house but it all smells bad. At first I thought it was just the basement stuff that smelled because it was in the basement. But unfortunately, it’s everything. It’s very sad.

It will be really nice to get my truck cleaned out but I’m not going to spend too much time on it right now since we’re not done with that house yet. There’s going to be more – hopefully. Yes, there’s a smell in the truck because of it but I’m not really going anywhere and it will air out quickly.

Do you keep a lot of stuff in your car?

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