May 25


While I’ve Been Away and A Few Questions

I came here tonight because I’ve been receiving updated privacy policy notices from various companies today and then I realized…. today is the day that we’re supposed to do something about cookies and privacy.  I’ve been too busy to get online lately, so I think I might have ignored a few too many emails.  I read one a few months back that said you didn’t really have to worry about it unless you sell things or advertise.  I don’t do either so I just skimmed the emails and moved on.  But now it seems that might not be the case, or is it?

While I work on getting something on my site in the next couple of hours, does anyone here know anything?  Is it necessary for me to stay up all night working on this?  Did you add it to your site?

On a little different note, do you all update your version of WordPress when it’s available?  I have a pony site for my 4-H kids that must be a higher version than the one I’m using here because when I opened it, it had info about this cookie stuff and this one didn’t.  I always want to click the update now button but then it tells me that I need to back everything up so I get nervous and don’t do it.  Should I just click it?

I’m feeling very out of touch and not very bright tonight so any help would be appreciated!!


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  • I was wondering about those privacy emails, too. I just got one at first and figured it was just something they were updating – which isn’t too odd for a company to do that but then when I received a few more, I thought it was odd but still didn’t get it. What are we supposed to do with cookies?!? Mmmmm… cookies… 🙂

    • Hahaha! I don’t mind talking about cookies! Yum! Anyways, the cookie part seems pretty easy. You can go to Settings, then Cookie Notice and add it from there. There’s also a few plug-ins that make it really easy. That part basically just says the site uses cookies. The privacy policy part is the horrifying one. You have to tell what all the cookies do. So you have to get the privacy policy for each of your plug-ins and themes and add those too but a lot of it is already done. WordPress will have one for you and Jetpack has a really nice tool too. You tell it what things you’re using, that are related to Jetpack, and then you click copy and add it. That was just the basics that I found yesterday but I’m sure there’s more to it.

  • With all the drama we had updating Windows 10, I’m not wanting to update anything else!

    As for the privacy stuff, guess I need to research it – hopefully people will blog a little more information for us.

    • I don’t like updating! It seems like every time you get something working just right, they update it and then it never works as good… or once you finally figure out all the new stuff and it’s working great again, there’s another update.

      Hopefully more information will be coming out soon! Although, I guess I’ve been seeing it, unsure of what I needed to do.

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