March 21


Will the Tulips Ever Get Here?

Usually around this time, I start getting really jealous of all the blooming flower pictures that people start posting. They’re beautiful! But where I’m at, it will be weeks, if not months, before we start seeing flowers. Except for the tulips.

The tulips are always the first thing that comes up in the spring. Well, actually, they might be daffodils but we’ll see once they bloom! Whatever they are, I start watching for them to come up in February to see what kind of spring we’re going to have. This year, they came up pretty late even though we’ve had a mild winter. Here it is, almost April and look how small they still are:

(Hmmm… I can’t seem to upload any pics. If anyone has any ideas why not, please let me know)

You can hardly even see them in there! On a more positive note, it was light this morning at 6:30 a.m. and the birds were singing their springtime songs. I love that the most! It was very uplifting in this time of uncertainty.

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