I probably shouldn’t have been working in the garden or building a shelf today but I’m so sick of being sick.
The weekends are the time to get lots done so it’s hard to sit around and watch movies all day. I probably did way too much today.
The horses needed to be let outside this morning so I did that and then did more weed whacking around the back of the house.
After that I rested for a bit and then worked on zucchini. I have to start getting it frozen or it’s all going to rot. So I cut a few into slices and then blanched them. I set them out to dry and now they’re in the freezer on a cookie sheet. I’m hoping to get a few done everyday.
It’s not hard doing that but standing for too long is hard right now with covid. Even that little bit sucks all my energy out. So I had to rest again.
After watching two entire movies, I was going to go outside to get the barn ready in case we had to let the horses in early due to storms coming. But instead, I ended up in the garden.
Those Crazy Weeds in the Garden
A week and a half of neglect and some of those weeds were 3 feet tall! I was mad so I took my weed whacker and cut down some of the really tall ones. There was lots of produce ready too so I was picking like crazy.
The garden looked much better when I finished. But my body was not happy.
I’m not sure if it’s because I’m sick or because the humidity was so high outside but I was drenched by the time I got in the house. Yuck. Energy was completely zapped again.
A few movies later, we had to go get the horses in because the storms were getting really close.
One other thing I wanted to work on this weekend was a shelf for the playroom. I have some long boards and I just wanted to screw 6 legs on and make the first layer. Twelve screws to be screwed in with the impactor. After that, I was drenched again. Covid sucks.
Made some dinner and now it’s one last movie for the night.
I hope you felt better quickly – I’m a little behind on my blog reading :-/