April 17


A Nice Long Weekend For Once

I feel like everyday flies by in the blink of an eye but this beautiful Easter weekend was a very nice long weekend.

It felt like it lasted for 3 weeks. I’m exhausted and ready to get back to work tomorrow but it was nice.

This Easter was so different. It reminded me of the wonderful Easters that we used to have when the kids were little, before the old house was filled up with clutter that pushed everything and everyone away.

Now the kids are grown up and bring their little kids over and those little kids love it!

But now back to this weekend. I did so much. I did a little cleaning on Friday night and a little cleaning on Saturday morning. That’s all it needed! And I was even sick all week and not able to do anything until Friday!

I took an eBay package to the post office and stopped at a bakery that had nothing left because of it being Saturday before Easter.

Two of my little grandbabies were spending the weekend so after they got dropped off on Saturday morning, we picked up my friend’s 10 year old daughter and we went to a 4-H Easter egg hunt! It was freezing outside but we had fun!

Extra fun with no worries about a mess at the house!

After the egg hunt, we back to the house and the kids all played while I worked on some of my seedlings. This is my new thing, y’all. Seedlings.

Did you get that though? It was the day before Easter and I was working on seedlings and going to egg hunts. NOT busting my you know what cleaning like in the past! I had people over. It’s been years since I’ve been able to do anything like that!

We went outside for a while and then we came inside and colored Easter eggs and ate some dinner.

Easter Sunday was crazy and hectic! Lots of company! LOVE IT!! Great food! LOVE IT!! Tons of candy and a huge egg hunt in the backyard. LOVE IT!!

And I didn’t even tell you about this morning yet which is maybe why I’m still glowing tonight.

Stopping At the Old House

I accidentally had some things shipped to my old house. Since I was picking up my mom near there, I stopped to get my packages.

The new owner has re-done the entire house and it looks great. Really, really great. He’s a really great person too and it just makes me so happy that him and his little family love the house so much.

The weird thing is, they have the house very empty without much clutter anywhere and for some reason, it seems so small to me now. My new house isn’t much bigger square footage wise and even has fewer rooms so I don’t know what it is.

We used to have so much stuff crammed in the basement that it seemed to go on forever. He took me down there today to show me that he took out the wall that was down there and put in a bar and some tables and it looked so much smaller than I remember. Like 1/4 of the size I remember!

It was pretty cool and I can tell it’s going to be really nice when he finishes it but wow, why did that basement seem so much bigger before?

I didn’t mean for this post to get so long but I’m thrilled about this weekend. It’s Sunday night. I’ve already straightened up after all the company today. I’ve spent some more time on my seedlings and actually have a few minutes to write this.

This week is going to be wild and crazy so it was nice to have a long weekend!

I’ve been working on my time crunch problem and it seems like things are finally getting better! All that clutter definitely has a lot to do with it. Even more than I realize.

Happy Easter everyone!!

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