March 27


Accomplished So Much On Saturday

accomplished declutteringI got up early in the morning and accomplished a ton of stuff.  I’m still exhausted and my whole body hurts from all the hard work.  It was supposed to rain so I wasn’t planning on doing much of anything but it turned out to be a warm, sunny, beautiful day.

I started working on the list from the dreaded letter.  The kids all helped too.  Thank goodness one of my older sons is in town because he helped a ton!  The night before, a couple of the kids had filled up an entire trailer full of wood that needed to go to the dump.  The son that’s in town got up early with me, got the trailer hooked up to the truck, and then we stopped and picked up my mom and got to the city dump before too many people got there.  We were in and out pretty quickly.

Back at home, my son went and visited with some friends while my mom and I headed to breakfast.  While we were sitting at Panera, we finished up the menu for the bridal shower for my daughter.  It’s in two weeks.  Time is flying!

I got back to the house and it was so nice out that I set up the free table.  Yes, the free table is back!  I just love doing that.  The best part is that I always think there’s quite a bit left at the end of the day but when I look back at the pictures of the full tables in the morning, I realize just how much is really gone.

This time, I set up two tables.  I used an old door as one of the tables and a big piece of plywood as the other table.  They were both completely full in the morning.  When I cleaned up, everything that was left fit into one blue storage tub! Giving Mission Accomplished!  That was almost the best part of the day!

Once the tables were set up, we spent a few hours working hard on cleaning up branches.  I have no idea why there are so many branches my yard.  It’s ridiculous.  It took a few hours to fill up the trailer and we got one area completely cleared out and another area started.  We took the branches to the city dump but didn’t get back until 2:30.  We filled up another load but didn’t get it done before 4:00 which is when the dump closes.  They’ll have to stay in the trailer until next Saturday when it opens again.

The front yard is looking pretty good and the back isn’t too bad either.  I had the roofing guy come over to look at the window sill that’s bad and he took some measurements and will get back to me on how much it will cost to get that repaired.  That was another thing on the list but at least we have 60 days to take care of that so I’m not too worried about it right now.

The Best Thing That Was Accomplished

The best part of the day was that I finally got the truck to pass the emission test.  Yay!! I have been driving my daughter’s awful, falling apart car for the past month.  I dreaded going to work because of that car!  We also had some discussions on how unsafe it is and she is going to look into getting it fixed soon.

Once I finally sat down, I spent the rest of the night playing video games with the kids.  It was fun!  Our favorite is Super Mario 3.  I’m not as good at it as I used to be but I can still get through most of the levels. It just takes a few extra tries!

I hope you had a great day too and got a lot accomplished!!

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