The whole reason for this small bathroom remodel was a crack in the bathtub, or so we thought. After looking at the before pictures in Back to the Small Bathroom Remodel Part One, it’s obvious that crack or no crack, this bathroom was needing some serious renovating!
This bathroom is very small so it was shocking to see the $6,000-$10,000 quotes coming in. They were all very consistent so I knew that it was going to cost more than I was planning.
Let’s get to the AFTER pictures of this DIY bathroom renovation and I’ll share with you how much these remodeling costs came to and how long it all took.

Here’s the whole reason for the remodeling. It’s the shower. This is the only thing that I hired a contractor to do. Since water had been leaking on the wood boards underneath, I felt better having someone else do it. I figured they would know what to look for and could replace anything that needed replacing. It was so bad that the wall between the door and the shower had big cracks in it so they re-did all the dry wall there too.
They had me go to the store to buy a three (or four?) part shower kit and the shower door. It was hard finding one that would fit because the ceiling is so low and most showers have a decorative portion near the top. This ended up being the only one that would work.
I’m not crazy about subway tile so I was unsure if I would like it. However, once they put it in, I changed my mind! I really like it, especially that middle section that holds the shampoo and soap.
Shower Costs
As I mentioned before, this was the most expensive part of the renovation.
All of the costs that I mention are approximates of what I paid, and may not be representative of what things cost in your area. I’m providing this information solely to give you an idea of what you might be spending if you decide that you’d like to renovate your own bathroom.
Labor, drywall, and some supply costs: $1,800.00
Bathtub Shower Kit which included the bathtub: $600.00
Shower doors: $175.00
Shower head: $80.00
Total Cost of The Bathtub/Shower: $2,655.00

The next biggest cost was the vanity.
Since this is such a small bathroom, size is very important. This was the vanity that I originally wanted. When I went to the store to purchase it, they were out of stock and it would’ve cost me an additional $85.00 to have one shipped to the store. I didn’t want to pay that so I decided to find a different one at a different store.
I brought home a cream color one with a sink that didn’t match it, or the rest of the bathroom, at all. You had to buy them separately and they were the two pieces they had that were the right size. So, we brought it home where it sat in the garage for over a month because I wasn’t excited to put it in. Plus, it seemed like it would be too big. We finally brought it in and sure enough, it was too big. It made this small bathroom even smaller!
It was only 2″ deeper but that made a huge difference! I decided that I wanted this room done right so we packed it up and took it back to the store. We went over to the first store again and this time, they had this one in stock! I grabbed it up as quick as I could and I couldn’t be happier that I made that decision.
If you have a small bathroom, don’t settle for something that is going to take up too much room. You can find something you love in the smaller size if that’s what you want.
Also, since bigger equals more expensive in the bathroom, I saved a lot of money by returning the one that was too big. I had spent a total of $523.00 on the first one because it was bigger, plus I had to buy a separate sink.
The Cost of The Smaller But Better Vanity with the Sink Included: $289.00

Let’s not forget the new faucet or the lights!
Sinks don’t normally come with the faucets because everyone’s taste is a little different. I wanted to go with something more modern and this one grabbed my attention. It’s brushed nickel like the towel racks, vanity knobs, shower head, shower door, and lights.
We have hard water in our area so when we turn the water off and some drips off our hands, it leaves water spots so we have to wipe it down often. It’s worth it though because it looks really good when it’s shiny.
These lights are questionable. We’ve talked about returning them but haven’t made any decisions on the matter yet. When you turn them on, they flicker quite a bit. I like the way they look but wouldn’t be opposed to different ones either.
Cost of the faucet: $100.00
Cost of the lights: $42.00 each
Total cost of the faucet and lights: $184.00

In a bigger bathroom, the floor might be one of the bigger expenses, but not in this tiny room!

I love this floor. Since this bathroom is so small, I figured I could splurge a little bit and I was right! It’s a Pergot laminate flooring. The one thing to make sure you look for is that it’s WATERPROOF. They have water resistant ones but since it’s going in the bathroom, it needs to be waterproof.
Cost of the Pergot Flooring: $120.00
Lastly, the toilet seat, toilet paper holder and towels.

After a much heated debate, we didn’t get a new toilet. We settled on a new toilet seat instead. It’s one that closes gently so there’s no slamming of seats going on in the middle of the night.
New Toilet Seat cost: $30.00

I bought new towels for the new bathroom because we needed them. We hadn’t bought new towels in years and it was time. There’s no better time than when you’re remodeling, right?
Cost of the new towels and floor mat: $113.00

The toilet paper holder came with the towel racks. It’s okay. I guess it looks better than the industrial size one we had in here before. I also picked up a little trash can to match and a new vent cover.
Cost of these little incidentals: $70.00
Total cost of these items: Approx $200.00

Before we add it up, there’s one more thing that I haven’t mentioned yet – the paint. It cost a little bit more because I was adamant about using a mold killing primer underneath. Altogether, I spent about $80 on the primer, the paint, and the painting supplies. I only needed one can of each which helped keep the cost down.
Total cost of paint and supplies: $80.00
There’s one thing that I was planning on doing but haven’t yet – the bathroom mirror. They’re only about $30.00 but the one that’s there is in okay condition. We’ll probably just leave it alone for now.
I never would’ve thought it would cost this much but it did and it needed to be done. The whole room took about 2 months to complete but we weren’t in a hurry to finish it. The contractors were only there for about 2 weeks and the rest was done when we had time to work on it.
I love it!