September 22


But What’s the Whole Point of Cleaning?

Today I’m struggling with the idea of wasting a life away by cleaning. I don’t understand how people can stay home and clean rather than get out in the world and do things. It’s almost making me mad right now as I think about it. It’s a beautiful day and there’s so much going on. Soon it’ll be winter and then we’ll be stuck in the house all the time. There will be plenty of time for cleaning later.

I’m saying all this because I just spent 2 1/2 hours moving stuff from one side of the room to the other. It doesn’t make sense. I cleaned out some books and magazines from an end table. The end table looks great but now what do I do with the other magazines and books? I like them but I just don’t know where to go with them now, so I moved them across the room.

In the meantime, while I struggle with my hoarding issues, my friend is having a fundraiser rummage sale that I would love to go to. There’s about three local Oktoberfests going on, a marching band show a little later, and weather that would be great to do just about anything in.

All of this is going on while I move stuff back and forth across the room

Cleaning end table
The real shocker here is that there’s clean floor under the table!

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  • Yay for clean floor!! I hate cleaning too! We just moved AGAIN! and DD1’s stuff is piled around our ears. I hate it!! I want to set a match to it! Giving me the blues!!

  • You wouldn’t believe the boxes of magazines I had – I wouldn’t get rid of them until I read them. MANY years later, the sat unread. It was such a relief to just get rid of those old magazines!!

    I do find that cleaning takes very little time now. I’m not moving stuff around to dust, just dusting.

    • Dusting is still a fairly new thing to me. But I’ve actually done it a few times now! I guess that’s progress 😁. And if all I had to do was dust before company came over, it would be so much nicer than spending 2-1/2 hours moving stuff around. Ok, I’ll try getting rid of some of them….

  • That’s why I like the idea of owning less… Less stuff means less to clean and less to move… Which means more time for going out and doing stuff or more time for doing nothing or whatever it is you want to do.

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