February 22


Have You Tried Using Google Calendar and Time Blocking?

example of google calendar and time blocking

In my quest for better time management, I discovered Google Calendar and the art of Time Blocking.  I might be a few years late to the party on this one but I’m talking about it anyways because this is the first time I’ve really come across it and it’s helping a lot.  Helping me find more time for decluttering that is!

I’m pretty sure that I tried Google Calendar years ago but was unsuccessful in actually using it.  I don’t know if it’s evolved over the years into what it is now or if I just wasn’t really interested before.

Anyways, this discovery has been huge and the best part is.. it’s FREE!  Yep, you read that right, it’s FREE to use! Just go to your Google Account and you’ll find it right there among the other apps. If you can’t find it, you can Google it.

I’ve never had much luck with any online or mobile device calendar apps until I figured out how to use this one along with time blocking. It’s seamless going from computer to mobile to tablet.  Update something in one place and it updates everywhere.  Simple.

Aesthetically, there’s few things that I love about Google Calendar.  I love the bright bold colors the most. 

Bold colors scream ACTION. 

These colorful blocks you can create embody the time blocking concept.  Everything about it is easy and pleasing to look at.  

Time Blocking with a Calendar

If you aren’t familiar with time blocking, it’s all about assigning a task to a block of time and then sticking to it until you finish it or it’s time to work on other things.  The goal is that by working on only one thing during that time slot, you’ll be able to get much more done without all the distractions. 

Everything in your day should be blocked – checking emails, making phone calls, meetings and taking breaks should all be included,  Anything that has to get done after work should be on there.  I found that I kind of use mine like a to do list, but not quite.  

Of course, there’s a few things that can go wrong when you’re using this method. 

Things happen. 

Sometimes things take longer than you think they should. 

You forget to put something on the calendar that needs to get done. 

You have to take it with a grain of salt.  No system is going to be perfect.  I usually put everything in at night but if things don’t work out just right the next day, I don’t beat myself up over it. 

It seems like a waste of time shifting things around when things happen or something takes too long.  Just get back on schedule as quickly as you can or don’t worry about it and make sure to schedule extra time for it next time it needs to get done.    

One last thing, I love that the Google Calendar App works great on my iPhone too. Sometimes things are a little harder to use on a handheld device but it’s just as easy.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! I’ve heard both positives and negatives but I really like it.

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