March 27


Day 3 of Safer at Home Order

Day 3 of 30. Actually, I can’t believe it’s day 3 already and that the days are going so fast. Even when I work all day, it goes fast. That never happens but it is.

The days are going so fast that I don’t feel like I’m ever going to get caught up with my work. I got really far behind over the last 2 months and it’s not getting any better. Between being sick and having to do the switchover from working at work to working at home plus a big project that took up most of February, I feel like there’s no hope.

On top of the stress of work is a way bigger stress. My 1 year old granddaughter is very very sick. She’s doing okay now but they will be at the hospital for at least another 3 days. Somehow, and they have no idea how, she got a staph infection in her shoulder. They did surgery to get it all cleaned out but now she has to be on an IV antibiotic for 21 days and they aren’t letting her leave the hospital until the test comes back negative. She finally started eating a little bit today which is a good sign but I’m still so worried about her. Those infections are nothing to fool with.

So that’s it for my stressful day. There’s always something.

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    • Thanks!! She hopefully only has 8 more days of IV antibiotics but this has been really hard on her mommy and daddy. She screams all night unless my son is walking around with her. Every time he tries to sit down, she cries more. 🙁

    • Thanks! ❤️ I got a little video of the baby last night and she’s definitely looking a little better! I wish they weren’t so far away 😞

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