My entire house has completely fallen apart. I’m so unorganized right now that I’m not sure I can remember everything I’ve gotten rid of but I’ll try to give you a quick run down:
(The consignment sale at the horse fair went really well!)
These are the things that we sold at the sale:
Leather Lead Line
English bridle
Nylon hay net (brand new)
Sticker book
Coloring book
Bell Boots
Red breast collar
Western headstall
Red and black lead line
Fly sheet
25 other things (HA!! I can’t remember what they were! They really weren’t important to me I guess! You have to list everything out that you’re selling so I know that I sold 36 things.)
Total Count of 36 things sold at the horse fair.
Here’s the things that I cleaned off my dreaded front porch today:
27 clothing items
Disposable litter box (we have to buy these to take to the 4-H cat show every year)
9 bottles that were painted gold for my daughter’s wedding
Small mirror
3 empty boxes
2 saddle pads
26 pieces of junk mail
Total Count of 69 things off the front porch today.. YAY!!!
So, I’ve gotten rid of 105 things in the last few days. I can’t believe that it added up to so many! There’s such a mess here right now that it doesn’t look like I’ve gotten rid of anything at all but I still feel good that I found this many things to get rid of.
It looks like the last time I counted was back in February when I took down the Christmas tree.
My grand decluttering total then was 2,135 and now I’m up to 2,240. Â What a great number! Â It’s still a far cry from the 5,000 that I’m hoping to get to by the end of the year but there’s still 8 months left. Â I can still do it!
Congrats on the new total! 2240 isn’t that far from 5000! You will make it at some point!
You are making progress! The lists are the proof! Bravo!
A couple more weeks and hopefully I’ll have more time to work on it a little harder.
Good job and you WILL get there!
Thanks! But most days, it doesn’t seem like it! 🙂
Keep going – you’ll make it! Someone has to because it won’t be me! 🙂
LOL!! I don’t know if I’ll be the one to make it either!