This front porch is and always will be full of stuff. A couple times each year, I go through and straighten it up. That’s about all I can do with it.
Since it’s almost winter time, and it’s getting really cold already, I will try to make this sweep phenomenal. You will be wow’d by the transformation!
Yea, right! I wish! But I am telling myself that so I put some extra effort into it. It needs to be done right this time since winter is very long here.
Since I’m working from home now, I started decluttering three things every hour. It’s really going great so I’m trying it on the front porch this week. The porch is so bad that I’m pretty sure it’s going to take the entire week and maybe even the weekend.
There’s a shelf over half of the front porch that I’m using for my shipping boxes. They’ve always been a problem on my porch. It’s just not big enough for them so this shelf has been wonderful!
So that’s what I started with today – the shipping shelf. Every hour, I went out and found some to get rid of.
6:00 – No before pictures just yet. I need to retain a little bit of dignity so I can keep going. The first three things were a shoe box and two shipping envelopes.
7:00 – I got rid of a couple heavier boxes, a piece of newspaper and a big piece of styrofoam.
8:00 – Three more boxes
9:00 – Two boxes and an envelope
10:00 – One box and two envelopes
11:00 – Three boxes
12:00 – Four boxes, one wrapper, and four envelopes
1:00 – Three envelopes
2:00 – Two boxes and a piece of filler
3:00 – Three envelopes
It was supposed to rain today but thankfully it held out until after 5:00 p.m. I was able to open the front door and throw the stuff out into the front yard all day. Then at the end of the day, I went out and cut up all the boxes and got them into the recycle bin. I hope I can do the same tomorrow!
Here’s what the pile looked like at the end of the first day:
I’m determined to get this front porch done by the end of the week!