October 17


Decluttering Can Be Easy While Working At Home

Were you under the impression that your house was a mess because you weren’t home enough? Or that being home would give you a ton of extra time for decluttering? Did you think working at home would be much less exhausting?

I sure did!

I really believed all those things until I started working from home!

Each week, my house got worse and worse. How could this be? I was so sure it was because I wasn’t home enough and if I could just work from home it would be so much better.

Until it wasn’t. It was getting even worse!

Now I was perplexed. I thought I would have more time. Technically, I did, but it wasn’t helping any. I was still tired after working all day and still didn’t feel like cleaning or decluttering after work.

So here’s what I did and you can do it too!

I gave myself permission to take a one or two minute break every hour, all day long, to do – SOMETHING.

  • Throw away three things.
  • Put three things away.
  • Put six dishes or pieces of silverware into the dishwasher.
  • Clean three things out of the refrigerator.
  • Take out the garbage.
  • Wipe down the dishwasher door.
  • Empty the top shelf of the dishwasher.
  • Empty the bottom shelf of the dishwasher.
  • Get rid of three random dishes.
  • Wipe down the refrigerator door.
  • Sweep the floor.
  • Do a quick floor mop.
  • Wipe down the countertops.
  • Wash out the sink.

This helped so much! My kitchen went from looking like it would never be clean again to being sparkling in only two days!

Some days, small wins are what you need to get moving again. It’s a routine disruption that can help you get out of the same old, same old rut.

There’s two caveats here – You can only spend one or two minutes on it each hour, and you need to have a flexible schedule so you can make up any extra time you spend working on this. You shouldn’t need more than 20 minutes or so.

I still can’t believe how well this worked! Working at home just got much more productive!

If you get a chance to try it, please let me know how it goes for you! I’d love to know if this was just a fluke for me or if it could help other people too.

In a few days, I’m going to try this on my front porch. It’s an area that I’m constantly battling with because it’s the “throw everything here” spot. I’ll post pics of how each hour of each day goes. It might take the entire week to get through it all! But that’s what I thought about the kitchen.

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  • I totally understand your dilemma! Our house did the same thing! I also try to move every hour but you are more disciplined than me – I just take a quick walk around the yard.

  • It’s amazing how little time stuff really takes, isn’t it!! I dread it for a week, then it only takes a few minutes to do it! Good for you!! Enjoy your sparkling kitchen!

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