I was outside watering the garden and just couldn’t take the heat anymore. There’s so much that I want to get done so I’m being very hard on myself. But there’s a little lesson to be learned here.
The weeds are terrible. I feel like I should be spending a few hours out there cleaning them up a little bit. The cardboard has been ripped up and I have a few bags of mulch. Why can’t I just get it done?
Strawberries are huge and a beautiful deep red because of the heat. They need to be picked! It just takes an hour or so.
I still have about 200 plants that need to get planted. They’re probably not going to get planted. I just can’t seem to find the time to do it!
The deck still needs a little cleaning up from the party the other day. I do a little bit every day but the kids have stuff on the deck and off the deck and under the tables and halfway across the yard.
Garbage cans needs to be brought back from the road. Maybe I’ll get to this later tonight.
So much to do outside and all I wanted to do is come inside.
I don’t even want to do the stuff that needs to be done inside after being out there.
That’s when I start getting really angry at myself.
It’s just hot outside. Am I a wimp or what?
Why can’t I get these things done? Why am I in the house when there’s all that work that needs to be done? What’s wrong with me?
Then I came in and saw what the temperature outside is.
It’s 96 degrees F with a feels like temperature of 109 degrees!
The Lesson Here
Don’t be so hard on yourself! If your body is telling you to stop or slow down, you need to listen! The weather might actually be worse than you think!