December 28


How to Work Your Way Towards a Minimalist Wardrobe

Having a minimalist wardrobe is something I think about a lot.

As I was looking into it, I found this list of 12 Benefits of a Minimalist Wardrobe. Oh yes, there’s definitely many benefits to it. For starters, just think about how many clothes you have that you never actually wear. If you get rid of all those, you might find that you already have a minimalist wardrobe.

However, if you’re just starting out and can’t grasp the idea of a minimalist wardrobe anymore than I can just yet, you can at least work on getting a little closer.

The last few days, I’ve been working on decluttering pants, jeans, and shorts. Now I’m starting on the tops.

Here’s 6 things to look for when deciding whether or not to keep something:

  1. This one is obvious – do you love it?
  2. Are there stains or rips in it?
  3. Do you like the material?
  4. Is it a good color for you?
  5. Are they your style?
  6. Is it outdated?

Here’s what I mean by each of these:

Do You Love It?

I have a ton of clothes that other people have given me that I’m just never going to wear. I didn’t pick them out and I just don’t like them.

Are there stains or rips?

Even if you love something because it’s super cute and comfy, you still tend to feel embarrassed when you’re walking around in public when you’re wearing something with a big stain on it. Don’t do that to yourself. Be kind to you. Let it go.

Do You Like the Material?

I buy way too many things because I love them at the store but then after the first washing, they cling to me. YUCK!! I don’t need anything clinging around this belly! Try not to buy it in the first place but if you accidentally get some of those, get rid of them if they make you feel self conscious!

Is It A Good Color for You?

I love bright colors. Just not on my clothes. Some people can wear a clown costume and still look great but not me. Figure out what colors look great on you and then try to stick with them, or. at least close.

Are They Your Style?

This is another one that falls under the category of “people give me a lot of clothes”. If it’s not your style, no matter how cute it is, you’re never going to feel comfortable in it.

Is It Outdated?

I am no fashion queen and I’m sure I’m very guilty of this one, but if something is obviously out of date, you might want to think about doing yourself a favor and replacing it with something a little more modern. As I was going through my jeans, one pair in particular just struck me as being out of fashion even though they fit okay. I let them go and if I can do it, so can you!

One last thing that I want to mention is that you really have to put effort into this. You can’t just look at a few things and say that you want to keep it all. Really look at each piece, even if you only get through a few each day. Ask yourself how often you wear each item and if it makes you feel as wonderful as you are!

I’d love to hear how you’re doing and if you’ve been able to get through some of your clothing clutter too!

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