January 8


The Best Moving Week Ever

Says no one. Ever. Finally, moving week was here.

Through this whole thing, all I could do was hang on for the ride. My mom and I, early on, had decided that I was either being warned or tested.

Still not sure which it is.

Less than a week before the closing, there was a note left on the front door that said that starting on our closing day, the road would be closed and the sidewalks were being put in so we couldn’t use our driveways either.


How would we ever get all that stuff from the basement and the garage out to the moving truck? It was like I couldn’t believe it but this is how the whole thing had gone so I could believe it.

Did I tell you about the house air conditioner? Well, the air conditioner started up and worked great for the entire 23 years that we lived there, except this year. There was no air conditioning in the house. Did I also tell you about the record heat?

So that’s how we went into moving week – knowing that we couldn’t bring the truck anywhere near the house, record high heat and humidity, and no air conditioning in the house.

The closing for our old house was on Monday afternoon and the new house closing wasn’t until Tuesday morning but we had until Friday to move out. Thank God!! (Lots and lots of grateful prayers for that one!)

So Monday came and we drove out to the new house for the walk through before the closing of the old house. Temps in the 90’s with that crazy humidity. I parked my truck and we got out and there was water pouring out from under my truck.

It was really humid so I figured that it was just the water from the air conditioner running out.


Of course that wasn’t what it was.

The air conditioner broke. Temps in the 90’s with that crazy humidity and I had no air conditioning in my truck or in the house.

After the first closing, instead of having the truck in the driveway to load it up on Monday night, where we only would’ve had to walk 20 feet out the door, it was out on the road and a good distance away.

And that’s how moving week officially started.

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