December 21


Nice to have company finally

Yay!  I finally was able to invite some people over yesterday!  I made them stay in my living room but they were actually in the house.  Their kids wandered off upstairs with my kids but that didn’t bother me too much.  It’s a cluttered path to get up there but my son’s room is pretty clean so at least they could do something once they got up there.

There’s one thing that I need to finish yet before Christmas.  Okay, there’s lots of things that I still need to finish but this one in particular has to get done.  I need to find the motivation to get it done in the next day or two.  I have to finish painting my living room.  It will look so beautiful once it’s done so I’m not sure what my hold up is.  Well, I have to move some furniture to get to the wall and maybe that’s why it’s taking me so long to get started on it.  There’s only one small area left so I should be able to finish it in less than an hour or two.  I also have a few spots to touch up on the yellow walls but it will make it feel much more put together once all the painting is done.  Maybe I’ll make it my goal to have it done in the next 2 days.



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  • Congratulations on your progress! I used to procrastinate a lot with school until I learned that the reason procrastination gets so bad is because a task is linked with a feeling of physical pain. To get over this I would break my projects into very small tasks that weren’t painful in my head. In your situation I would suggest setting a goal of just moving the furniture by a certain time. The next task will be prepping your walls/taping or whatever. Then getting the supplies and painting. That way it is easier to feel good about small accomplishments.

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