January 16


The Shelf Oozing Full of Nostalgia

The small area that I’m working on today is a shelf in the upstairs hallway. This shelf was originally put up to hold Beanie Babies because the kids had so many. We never used it for that, except for maybe a few, like the one that’s up there now.

Before Video of the Shelf

The rest of the shelf is full of other nostalgia things. Those are the hardest to get rid of! While I didn’t get rid of a ton of this stuff, I did clean everything and get rid of all the cobwebs.

The books that are up there are eBay worthy. They’re in excellent condition. No one here really wants them. The grandparents gave them to the kids. They’re the books that were the popular books when I was in grade school. I didn’t read them then and I don’t think my kids have ever read them either.

Ok, I think I just decided that they need to come off the shelf and go into the sell box!

Some of the other fun things up there are a few of our favorite VHS movies. I bought a VCR this summer at a rummage sale for $1.00. It was to put on eBay but I’ve been thinking about unlisting it since I keep finding so many of these fun old movies. I threw away hundreds of them a few years ago.

Yes, that is a tree stump up there on the shelf. We had a beautiful peach tree many years ago. The kids loved this tree. One night, a bad storm came through and it was struck by lightening. It ended up dying and when a friend came over to cut it down, my son cried and cried. So, we took this piece of the stump and put it up on the shelf.

After Video

There’s one more fun thing that’s up there besides the Fisher Pice houses. It’s a Wizard of Oz Polly Pocket set. Unforunately, the little people aren’t with it but I think I might have them somewhere. It’s also missing one little roof.

I’m glad I was able to go through this stuff today and clean that shelf up. It was a fun trip down Memory Lane. At least I did get rid of a few things. The before and after pics aren’t very dramatic because you can’t see all the cobwebs that were up there but here they are anyways:

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