March 1


Something Personal

I try not to bring up my personal health much but every day has been getting harder for the last few weeks.  I’m almost to a point where I don’t want to get out of bed but that’s not me.  I don’t normally sit down for very long but lately I don’t want to get up and if I do, it’s only for a few minutes at a time.  I am really struggling.

I have severe Graves disease.  It’s hyperthyroidism and I almost died from it two years ago so now I am way overmedicated and feeling very hypothyroid right now.  To me, it’s a much worse feeling than the hyperthyroidism but supposedly much less dangerous.  I don’t know if I believe that because there isn’t a single day that goes by that I don’t think it’s my last day.  I know it’s the thyroid disease telling me that everything is much worse than it really is and I keep reminding myself of that but I’m just having a rough week.

My transmission went out on my truck a few months ago.  I bought a different, inexpensive used one and haven’t been able to get it to pass an emission test so the registration is suspended. I had to drive my daughter’s car today and it’s a death trap.  It was terrifying and the snow storm didn’t help much since one of her front tires is completely bald. I hate dealing with vehicles when I’m feeling like this.

I’m an accountant and this week is the week that we work extra hours so that we can close the books for February.  I’m doing okay and I’m not behind but I’m in a chronic state of panic about it for no reason.

And last but not least, it’s been very hard at home the last couple of weeks.  Everyone seems to think that I’m being lazy when I ask them to do things like hand me the remote control that’s only a few feet away from me or get me a piece of Kleenex from across the room.  There’s no way to explain to anyone how this feels.  I don’t even understand it myself most of the time.  (Oddly enough, right after I wrote this, there was another argument about my being “lazy” lately….ugh)

Sorry to vent but it’s been a particularly long hard day and I had to get it out.  I think it’s time to see my endocrinologist again and maybe, hopefully, he will finally adjust my medication down a little bit so I can get a little relief.  My fingers are crossed!  Maybe I can stop for blood work on my way home tomorrow.

If he does adjust it, it will probably take a few weeks to see an improvement and then hopefully I will be back to my old self again!!


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  • my friend; sorry to hear about your troubles.. You certainly are not lazy. I know what hypothyroidism is and it is real and it really sucks. it changes so many things; the energy levels, the mood, the way the body feels and functions. see your doctor and see whether it can be fixed sometime soon so that you can get a relief. One of my friends had grieve’s disease and it is not fun, either. I am thinking about you and wishing for a fast recovery and patience. you will be fine, albeit with some time,but you will eventually be fine. best

    • Thank you for the encouraging words! I didn’t realize how bad I was getting until today. I knew I’ve been extra tired but just thought I wasn’t getting enough sleep.

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