June 23


Take It To Goodwill Mom

The clutter in my house is fighting back and my son keeps saying to me, “Just take it to Goodwill Mom.”  The floor is slowly disappearing a few feet every week leaving a smaller and smaller area for people and cats.

I look around and there’s tons of stuff to get rid of.  I’ve just been extremely short on time lately and haven’t been home long enough to make a dent in anything.  Every time I say that I don’t have time to set up a free table, again my son will say, “Take it to Goodwill Mom.  It’s a lot quicker.”

I’ve really been enjoying the free tables though.  I even had a sign made for it.  It’s a pretty sky blue and says “FREE STUFF” on it in white.  Almost everything on the tables has been gone by the end of the days that I’ve set it up which unfortunately have been few and far between.  I try to only set it up on Saturdays but since it’s summer time, there’s been a lot of horse shows so I haven’t been home or the weather has been too bad for it.

Just Take It To Goodwill Mom

Time has definitely been my issue lately so maybe I should listen to him and just take it to Goodwill.  It would be a lot quicker.  I could just throw everything in bags or boxes, throw it in the car and run over there.  It’s only about a mile away so it would definitely be quick.

Then there’s also the issue of money.  A few things that I want to get rid of should probably be sold rather than given away.  For example, I have some vintage corn husk people that are worth about $40 each.  I could really use the money for those but that’s assuming that I could find a way to sell them in the first place. I have a couple of horse show shirts that I could try to sell for a few bucks too.


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  • My thoughts: If you really need the money, then keep the stuff to sell but donate all the other stuff too Goodwill ASAP. If you don’t really need the money, donate it all ASAP. Even though selling some items will get you money, you will be trading in time & space & effort. I’m sure Goodwill also highly appreciates the donation of sellable items that will make some good money!

  • Maybe set yourself a deadline for the things you want to sell (it could be some weeks or months away) – I set things aside like this and then if I haven’t dealt with them within that time I give them away or throw them out. The stress of having these things to deal with can be too much of a burden.

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