September 13


The Sun Room is Finished for Now

This was a really hard weekend at the hoarder house but we didn’t stop until we were done. I’m so overwhelmed right now. It was pretty awful working in the sun room.

Everything started out okay. She had gotten rid of lots of papers before we even got there so all I had to do was load them up. Then every time I would pull something out of there, I would find another box of magazines. She was getting really good at getting rid of papers by the time we left. It was slow but steady progress all day.

We could hardly get in the door when we got there.
WThis is what it looked like when we started yesterday. This before pic is actually after we had already pulled a bunch of stuff out.

All day, my mom was incessantly asking if we could get rid of things. Her friend was actually doing a pretty good job of letting things go but it wasn’t enough. The thought of putting it all back in was making my mom crazy. She was running around yelling that it was all junk and she just wanted to throw it all away. I felt bad for her friend but she really does need to hear it. The amount of knick knacks, and everything else, is way beyond excessive. She can’t get in her house anymore.

There's so many things stacked on top of so many things.
It’s all packed in tight! There was a lot more in here than it looked like!

before pic of the sun room with a clear spot on the floor
This was after spending many hours working on it. It ended up being much worse than we thought at first glance.

Want to see the after pictures?

I’m excited about the after pictures of the sun room but it’s so hard knowing that she’s going to fill it all back up. It still has too much stuff now but two weeks of Goodwill shopping will fill that room up again in no time. It’s so frustrating thinking about it. While I’m trying to figure out how to throw all her garbage away, she’s going to be shopping to replace all the things that we got her to let go of. Oh well, at least they’ll be able to fix her furnace for her.

So here they are, the sun room pics after we finished for the day:

After pic of the sun room
After pic of the sun room
after pic of the sun room
To the right of the desk, there’s 2 file cabinets under 2 boxes that we have no idea with what in them. The box on the floor is also full of unknown items.

It’s not great but much better, if I do say so myself!!

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