March 31


Three Months Into The New Year and Where Are We?

It’s been one year since the virus ravaged our world and three months since a vaccine became available and we are no closer to understanding it. It continues to march onward while we seem to be stuck.

In the same fashion that the virus itself affects everyone differently, the vaccine mimics that behavior. It affects everyone differently and no one can figure out why.

The waves come and go and still we are no closer to understanding it. At work, we get a weekly graph of the daily average number of patients in the hospital with covid.

After being pretty low for a few weeks in a row, there’s a sudden uphill trend. But being a science geek, when I look at this graph, something seems different than the other waves. At last glance, it left me with an uneasy feeling.

Since I’m just a geek and not a scientist or medical professional of any kind, I don’t know what it means, just that something doesn’t seem to fall in line with the last two spikes. Maybe it’s just too early to tell. Only time will tell and hopefully it’s just a fluke and will be back to the low census in a few weeks.

It’s Not A Rumor

There’s one little thing that I want to touch on about the vaccine. Everyone should be doing what is right for them. I’m not debating that at all. No one, including the creators, know what’s best for everyone. I don’t want anyone to tell me what’s best for me and I don’t want to tell anyone what’s best for them.

But the one thing that I wish everyone did in regards to the vaccine is educate themselves. I hear so much misinformation it makes my stomach turn and that’s the reason that I wanted to bring it up.

I was reading a post the other day where the blogger had made mention of people getting side effects like headaches, chills, fever, and joint pain among others. What bothered me so much was that MULTIPLE people commented that they didn’t know side effects were possible and that it must be rumors. Then they all agreed on the rumor theory.

First of all, all vaccines have possible side effects so why would this one be any different?

And secondly, they should be handing you a safety sheet about the vaccine when you receive it which lists the side effects. Why wouldn’t you at least glance at it when you are receiving a chemical in your body that hasn’t even been approved yet? Are people really that trusting? If so, I have a bridge for sale in Timbucktoo. Let’s talk.

Anyways, it’s not a rumor that you can have side effects from the vaccine. The manufacturer even tells you that and you sign off that you won’t hold them responsible if you encounter any of those side effects.

You can go to Google and search for the manufacturer’s patient safety leaflet and find all the information for yourself.

Other than Covid-19 during the past three months….

Covid wasn’t what was on my mind when I started writing so I’m not sure how I ended up there!

Anyways, three months into the year and time has flown by so fast that I don’t know what happened. On a good note, eBay sales have been okay so far this year.

Decluttering wasn’t going anywhere near as fast as I needed it to but I’ve made huge progress in the past two weeks. None of it has been easy. I don’t know why I’m so emotionally attached to everything right now but I’m hoping that feeling subsides the more I get rid of.

Thankfully, during these first three months, there’s been substantial progress in the living room. I have pics that I will post later. I did cheat a little bit though and I’m not proud of it, but it needed to be done.

How do you cheat when decluttering? You’ll find out soon!

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  • How you need to do it!! I cheat by counting every tiny scrap of paper, to fill in my chart faster!! Can’t wait to see yours!
    Yay, and congrats on ALL your progress!!

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