April 16


Weekend at the Horse Fair

sleepy horseThis weekend has been really great so far.  I’ve spent it at the horse fair.  Until you’ve been to a horse fair, you can’t really imagine what it’s all about.  I know that my mom doesn’t understand at all just by the questions that she asks me.

I tried really hard to get pictures of horses today.  For some reason, I usually get pictures of everything else.  I hope you enjoy the ones that I took!  I actually got horse pics.

Tennessee Walking Horse
Tennessee Walking Horse

The horses were all very tired by this afternoon and we found a few that were laying down.  One of our friend’s horses didn’t want to get up at all.  He was fine.  Just very tired, kind of like I am now!


shopping midwest horse fair



The shopping is crazy.  You can find anything and everything there.  There were even things there this year that shouldn’t have been there, like a mattress booth.  I’m not giving my horse a mattress to sleep on.  Call me mean but it’s not happening.




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