March 4


Who Needs A Furnace In the Middle of Winter Anyways?

Today has been a whirlwind of activity here. It’s cold outside. I woke up this morning and even though it’s always cold at 5 a.m., it seemed just a little too cold. So I checked the furnace.

Sure enough, the thermostat was set on 72 and it was 66. Uh oh.

Guess what started going through my head at that point?

I can’t let a furnace repair person in today! My house is a mess!!

Yep, that’s what I thought about first. The mess. Next I went down to the basement to look at the furnace. Just looked at it because what else was I going to do? I don’t know how to fix furnaces.

Anyways, as I was looking at it, I began to realize that I don’t have 5 feet of clear space around my furnace on all sides!

What? There is a little bit of space to move things around but not much. The thought of having to let a repair person in gives me a stomachache.

Today was the last day of month end for work, with reviews starting tomorrow. So it’s just bad timing for this. I don’t have hours to move things around. I’m sure there’s probably lots to get rid of along the way but I’m not in the mindset for that right now.

Thankfully, there’s so many electronics in my house that the house stayed at 66 all day. It went down to 65 for a little bit but went back up. We found out what the problem is and a part is on it’s way thanks to Amazon.

With any luck, that will fix it and I won’t need to call the repair person. Whew! Nightmare averted!

And hopefully the house doesn’t get too far below 66 during the night and the part gets here fairly early in the day.

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  • When I first saw your title, I immediately thought of Texas and their storm with so many without heat. I’m so glad yours might be an easy fix. What did it end up being? The last time ours “died” it was the thermostat itself. Did you know some require batteries to operate?

    • That’s what I thought it was at first because it said Lo but it turned out to be the igniter. Oddly enough, but not really because we didn’t change the batteries, I woke up a couple of days ago and it felt a little chilly in here. This time, it was because the thermostat batteries were dead lol. Apparently when the batteries die, it just turns the furnace off.

  • “Thankfully, there’s so many electronics in my house that the house stayed at 66 all day. ” I don’t get the coorelation there. Yay that you were able to order the part! And hopefully that does solve the problem! And having a sense of humor about it is definitely cool! 😉

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