January 25


Avoiding Death by Storage Room

Ok, that title is a little dark but I’m struggling to get through the storage room. It was the first thing that came to mind. I worked in there for another hour tonight, got rid of a ton of stuff, and now I feel downright awful. Avoiding death by storage room is the new high priority on my list!

I have terrible allergies and while this room doesn’t seem dusty or moldy at all, it feels like every ounce of my body has been zapped of energy. Or that I’m using every bit of my energy to fight these allergens.

My eyes are itching, my nose is stuffy, and I’m getting a little wheezy. When I say to be careful when decluttering, I really mean it but I need to take my own advice a little more seriously.

All this makes me want to get that room cleared out faster but every day my reaction is getting worse.

It makes me not want to go in there but that’s the only way that it’s going to get done.

I guess it’s time to MASK UP!

At least I have a bunch of masks around because of covid and I’ll just have to move fast! Also very important, as I’ve mentioned before, is getting the stuff out of the house as quickly as possible.

There’s three boxes of stuff to get rid of in the hallway upstairs waiting for counting. I’ll do that tomorrow for sure and hopefully run these bags to the donation center right away.

I’m super excited to show you my 2021 in 2021 Decluttering Challenge Chart that I’ve been working on since this weekend. This chart is FREE on the Nourishing Minimalism website by Rachel Jones.

Here are before and after pics of my chart!

I might use up all my ink coloring this in but it’ll be worth it even if I have to buy more!

After a lot of counting, I’m already at 238 without the 3 boxfuls that are still sitting upstairs. I’m pretty sure that it’ll be Easy Peasy completing the entire chart from the storage room alone!

Hopefully my next title won’t be as dramatic as Death by Storage Room and something a little more encouraging!

After all…

We’re Going To Get It Done in 2021!!

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  • I know the feeling. There have been times I told Michelle, to put on a helmet if she was going to look for something in the big shop. She didn’t appreciate the humor.

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