January 11


Mail Organization Rack Was the Small Little Area For Today

The little area that I worked on today was the mail organization rack that’s hanging by the front door.

Every time I would look over in that direction, I would cringe at all the papers sticking out all over the place. It’s very nice to have this little tiny spot decluttered.

While I didn’t find a ton of stuff to donate, I did throw a lot of papers away.

Here’s a little trick that makes things look better. When you have a lot of one sort of paperwork, like bank statements, take them all out of their envelopes except for one. Open that one up and then put all the statements in that one envelope together. Throw away all of the other envelopes. It condenses everything into one organized envelope.

It might not seem like you’re doing much by doing that since there’s still 15 statements but getting rid of all those extra envelopes helps a lot.

The Mail Organization Rack Holds More Than Just Mail Though!

There’s cameras, tools, keys, hardware, and much more in the rack. All I’m donating is one tiny notebook. My son had some old lenses from 2015 in there so I threw them away.

A few things should have homes elsewhere in the house so I called various family members and asked them to come get a few things.

Again, we’re not going for done or overwhelming. We’re going for improvement.

I was able to work on this during the day while working from home. I took a five minute break every hour and did a little bit. By the end of the day, I just had a few things to finish up. It was nice to take those breaks during the day and I feel like I accomplished something today.

Were you able to pick a spot to work on today? Do you have one ready for tomorrow?

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