January 12


One Storage Bin Is Enough For Today

I hope everyone had a chance to go through a drawer, a storage bin, a medicine cabinet, or any other small space today.

We’re looking for small little areas that need a little decluttering.

Even if your house needs a lot of decluttering, this will still help! It will help by breaking up some of the mounds and freeing up a little space to work in.

Try doing something in a different room every day. Otherwise, we all tend to get in a rut and work in the same areas all the time. Working on new areas will release some new things and some new space.

Today I chose to go through a storage bin that I shoved on the stairs at Christmas time.

Before and After of the Storage Bin

I need to work on my before and after picture taking skills!

This storage bin was full of, well, a lot of junk. Some of it was useful but most was not. I probably could’ve gotten rid of more but we’re not going for perfect here. The bucket is less full than when I started and that’s what I’m going for.

Everything I’m keeping fits in the bucket now with room to put in a few other things. I need to be a little harder on myself to get rid of more.

Some of the things I got rid of include:

  • one shoe sole – no idea where that’s from!
  • empty cleaning wipe container – why wasn’t it thrown away before?
  • a container of little teeny tiny beads – I’ve never made a single thing with teeny tiny beads. Why would I start now?
  • t-shirt that no one will claim
  • gift bag – I do keep these sometimes but not today!
  • small tester can of paint – mostly used up already
  • switcher
  • battery charger
  • lots of mail – everyone stores their mail in a storage bin in the hallway, right?

And last but not least..

The Clowns!!

Actually, I don’t know what to do with the clowns. I found out that these are Murano glass clowns and worth quite a bit, or would’ve been except that one of them is broken.

Anyways, there’s an interesting story that goes along with them. About 10 years ago, we were having a white elephant gift exchange at work. Someone had bought one of these way up north at some little antique shop in a remote area years earlier and brought it as her gift. The other one was bought at a store a little closer a few weeks before the party. And somehow they both ended up at the gift exchange.

It was like they wanted to be together and guess who ended up with both of them? I don’t even remember how I ended up with them but they sat on the top of my file cabinet at work for years and eventually made their way to my house.

I really don’t want them. The one is broken but I just can’t get myself to throw it away and the other one is still in pretty good condition.

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