June 17


This Beautiful Green Morning

When I was a kid, my mom made me go to bed really early and so as a result, I woke up really early. During the summer, I would go sit outside every morning. Beautiful green mornings were my favorite!

It’s like the world is just waking up and everything is as green as it can get. It’s a magical time of day.

There’s been so much to do here that I haven’t gone to bed early all summer and I drag myself out of bed 5 minutes before I start work. Five minutes is just long enough to feed the cats, fill my cup with tea and walk into the office.

Today, I took off work to get ready for the party and I’m up at 4:45 a.m. It’s the first time this year that I’m sitting outside before doing anything else. It’s a little chilly but it feels nice. The sun is just coming up giving it that beautiful green glow.

It’s so peaceful.

There must be a hundred different kinds of birds singing. My favorites are the cardinals, morning doves, and the pterodactyls (cranes – but they’re so big I call them pterodactyls!) I don’t actually hear any cardinals right now so they must be sleeping in!

The birds, grass, trees, sun, weeds and bunnies don’t care about all the stresses that we face each day so I’m going to follow their lead for a little bit and just sit here and relax.

We have a busy day ahead. When I’m done writing this, I think I’ll go pick some strawberries before doing anything else.

Can you believe I’m doing anything besides cleaning on the day before the party? I’m more worried about getting the food ready than about cleaning although there is quite a bit that needs to be done yet.

Here’s the beautiful green morning I’m having:

beautiful green morning where everything is so green

Have a beautiful green morning everyone!

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